/  Cannabis News   /  Nancy Pelosi defends cannabis provision in Democrats’ coronavirus aid package

Nancy Pelosi defends cannabis provision in Democrats’ coronavirus aid package

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi defended a provision in the $3 trillion Democratic stimulus bill that would allow legal cannabis businesses to access banking services Friday, while attacking “misrepresentation” in Republicans’ proposed package.

Asked to respond to the accusation that the cannabis language is not “directly related” to the coronavirus response, the California Democrat said she does not agree.

“This is a therapy that has proven successful,” Pelosi said at a press conference.

Pelosi did not cite any studies or health officials that have said cannabis may be a treatment for the coronavirus. Researchers have started to explore the possibility of its uses in treating lung inflammation, Forbesreported earlier this month, though no studies have yet shown any definitive benefits of cannabis use in treating COVID-19. It is legal for use in treating other medical conditions in many states, however.

The Food and Drug Administration has also sent warning letters to companies making claims about health benefits of cannabidoil products in treating coronavirus.

First posted on USA Today -Read More


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