/  Cannabis News   /  Cannabis and Coronavirus: Bracing for What’s Next as Infection Rates Climb

Cannabis and Coronavirus: Bracing for What’s Next as Infection Rates Climb

The first day of July arrived with public health officials issuing dire predictions about rising rates of COVID-19 infection in the United States.

So far, the infection rate in the U.S. has topped 2.6 million, with more than 43,000 cases reported just yesterday. U.S. fatalities number 129,000, accounting for more than a quarter of 512,000 global deaths so far.

With the July 4 holiday only days away, media reports said officials in more than a dozen states have rolled back “reopening” procedures, as infection rates spike in areas including California, Texas, Illinois, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, and U.S. territory Guam. Not a second wave; the virus is riding the momentum of relaxed social distancing and public disregard for warnings that prevent mass gatherings, according to public health authorities.

Though cannabis businesses are considered “essential services” in several legal states, industry stakeholders and members are feeling the whipsaw of pandemic uncertainty, as well as repercussions of protests against racism and police brutality, and the charged political atmosphere that has resulted nationwide.

Half way through 2020, the year’s vicious mood shows no signs of relenting.

On July 2, The State of Marijuana will host its 4th Monthly State of Cannabis Conference, a Zoom webinar on topics related to COVID-19 and the cannabis industry, from 9am – 5pm PDT. Registration is required.

Segments include the Cannabis Stimulus Project, Frenchy Cannoli Presentation: Terrior and Appellation d’Origin, Cannabis and Social Justice, The Science of Cannabis and COVID-19, Cannabis: The Ancillary Services That Power the Industry, and Policing and the Cannabis Industry.

The COVID-19 panel will be moderated by Jahan Marcu, and will feature expert speakers Leslie Apgar, M.D.Monica Bopha TaingJordan TishlerSara Ward, and Igor Kovalchuk M.D., PhD.

Pioneering medical cannabis company Charlotte’s Web Holdings, Inc. announced the ReCreate line, which will offer formulations that include CBD and low-THC infusions, for consumers that seek the “entourage effect” from full spectrum cannabinoids extracted from cannabis, including slightly higher levels of psychoactive cannabinoid THC.

Charlotte’s Web is simultaneously launching a coronavirus relief initiative, with its release of the ReCreate brand. The company will “provide access” to $100,000 worth of ReCreate product to dispensaries in Colorado and California communities that have suffered due to the pandemic crisis.

The Stanley Brothers are a family fiercely dedicated to unearthing natural remedies and cultivating innovative solutions to promote personal wellness,” said ReCreate co-founder Jesse Stanley in a press release. “The rules are being rewritten, our culture is at the dawn of the new era of personalized therapies. The Stanley Brothers started with cannabis, and the natural evolution of our mission is the inclusion of functional botanicals in ReCreate.”

Israeli producers continue to push forward in the attempt to establish Israel as a leading supplier of raw cannabis for the country’s cannabis pharmaceutical research and development, as well as international markets.

According to leading Israeli cannabis producer Isracann Biosciences Inc., demand for cannabis has remained high in Canada and the U.S. despite the pandemic, while the European cannabis market supplies are “constrained” though consumer demand is high.

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