/  Cannabis Marketing   /  Moxie Cannabis Makes Move from Plastic to Paper

Moxie Cannabis Makes Move from Plastic to Paper

Long Beach, Calif.-based Moxie, the first licensed commercial cannabis business in that state, has made a move to switch from plastic packaging to paper for the bulk of it cannabis products, despite having to pay more for the materials. “The packaging is more costly than the previous packaging we had,” confirms Moxie Chief Marketing Officer Tessa Adams, “but environmental sustainability is more important than profits.

“At Moxie, we feel it’s our duty to protect the earth, which provides us the life we all enjoy. Sustainability is an essential part of our business, and we strive to be the leaders in these efforts.”

Moxie is certainly a leader in other business aspects. Its products are distributed in more than 350 dispensaries across seven states, including Arizona, Florida, Michigan Nevada, and Pennsylvania, in addition to California. It also has a retail license in Utah. Its products are also sold online through its delivery service in Southern California. Its cannabis products are the result of proprietary formulas and an extensive genetic library of more than 300 strains, and include concentrates, flower, vape cartridges, and edibles, as well as CBD vapes, topicals, and sublinguals.

First posted on Packing World Read More


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