/  Cannabis News   /  Santa Barbara County Grand Jury blasts supervisors over marijuana laws

Santa Barbara County Grand Jury blasts supervisors over marijuana laws

In a scathing report on Santa Barbara County’s cannabis regulations, the Santa Barbara County Grand Jury lambasts county officials for behaving unethically, and creating rules that cost the county financially and compromise quality of life.

“Santa Barbara County has been in turmoil since the legalization of recreational cannabis in 2016,” according to the 26-page report released last week. “There has been public protest over cannabis odor, controversy between the cannabis industry and traditional agriculture, the appearance of financial irregularities and accusations of undue influence.”

The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors created an ad hoc committee comprised of supervisors Das Williams and Steve Lavagnino in 2017, to review the industry and create regulations for marijuana cultivation. Meetings of the committee were not subject to the Brown Act or opened to the public, two of the jury’s concerns.

“A more sobering realization for the jury was that the governance in this matter took the form of some supervisors aggressively pushing through their own agendas while other supervisors meekly followed or resigned themselves to the inevitable,” according to the report.

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