Six Places You Can’t Smoke Weed in California
While smoking marijuana is recreationally legal in the state of California, you aren’t exactly able to smoke whenever and wherever you want. There are multiple laws outlining where you’re allowed to consume marijuana since Prop 64. If these laws aren’t abided by, the consequences could include a hefty fine or even a booking in the county jail. Listed below are some places you should avoid when you want to smoke weed in California.
Non-Smoking Areas
Smoking weed essentially follows the same rules as smoking tobacco, meaning non-smoking areas that were established prior to recreational marijuana legalization apply. There are designated areas where smoking is prohibited, so be aware of your surroundings when it comes to non-smoking areas around the state of California.
Any Type of Motor Vehicle
According to state law, it is illegal for a person to “smoke or ingest marijuana or any marijuana product while driving a motor vehicle.” It is also against the law for a person to “smoke or ingest marijuana or any marijuana product while riding as a passenger in any motor vehicle being driven.” Motor vehicles include, but are not limited to, cars, boats, vessels, and aircrafts. You are however allowed to have weed in your car, as long as it is located in a sealed container and within the weight limits set by the state of California. You are allowed to personally possess up to 28.5 grams of flower and 8 grams of concentrates at a time.
Weed is still classified as an illegal drug according to federal law. Therefore, airport security agents, who work for federal agencies, can stop you while you’re traveling with marijuana. According to TSA policies, TSA agents are required by law to refer the matter to local law enforcement. This includes legally obtained marijuana- recreational or medicinal.
Within 1,000 Feet of A School
The law behind smoking within 1,000 feet of a school, day care center, or youth center while children are present at the school, day care center, or youth center is outlined in Prop 64. It’s strictly forbidden and can result in a large fine.
In Public
A public setting includes, but is not limited to, sidewalks, beaches, restaurants and hotels. Overall, it is safe to say that smoking in any public setting is prohibited in California.
This article covers places you aren’t allowed to smoke weed in California, but there are still plenty of places you can enjoy the benefits of marijuana. Spark up and relax in the comfort of your own home, a friend’s home, or a cannabis lounge.
DISCLAIMER: Cannabiz Digital does not sell cannabis. This publication covers business topics surrounding legal cannabis in California and the United States. It does not provide legal or medical advice. Consult your physician, lawyer, and local laws regarding cannabis. We do our best to provide current information at the time of publishing with no guarantees to accuracy. We understand this industry changes quickly and welcome your feedback. [Send Feedback]